Hi, I’m Mama Bear.
I’m an American expat living in Switzerland (the heart of Western Europe) in a small city surrounded by a large lake and the alps!
We are a family of three bears (Baby, Papa & I) and together we are pursuing financial independence.
We want to share our adventures with you and hope that you can come along on this life-changing journey to achieve financial freedom.
If you’re interested to learn more, then let’s get started!
(Or you can also reach me here.)

Word Lover’s Version
Oh, hi there again!
Tell me more Mama Bear!
OK! I am a wife, a mother, a daugther, a sister, and a friend to those who chose me (or got stuck with me) in their lives.
I am also a Financial Manager with more than ten years of experience in the finance field. My profession entails managing a company’s budget, analyzing trends and data, reporting financial results, managing a team, and ensuring the overall financial health of an organization (in a nutshell).
But I know that personal finance is different from corporate finance in that it’s more personal. After hearing so many people struggled with their finances, I want to utilize my skills to help others on improving their financial situations.
And what better way to spread this knowledge than to create a blog?!
So here we are. But wait, why is it called Mama Bear Finance?
Because I just had a baby and I needed a venue to let lose of my wildest thoughts. “How to achieve financial independence while being a mom?” is one of the questions that keeps me up at night (that, and a crying baby).
Therefore my mission is to share my financial knowledge to help other moms achieve financial independence, together!
Cool, are you talking to yourself right now?
Yes! It’s a requirement in the blogosphere – everyone does it. So you’re not really here; you’ve gone deep inside my thoughts.
Anyway as you will see, financial well-being is not the only path I’m heading towards. I also want to be as physically and mentally fit as I am financially, because those are the foundations of a strong Mama Bear.
So my motto is this: To stay physically strong, mentally fit, and financially sound.
Nice, nice! But what makes you qualify to write about personal finance topics for moms?
Well first of all, you already know that I’m a Financial Manager with over ten years of experience. But I guess there’s still a bit more under my belt:
- Obtained Bachelor’s Degrees in Finance and International Business (double major)
- Graduated debt-free thanks to scholarships and grants
- Bought a house at age 25 thanks to being debt-free
- Fully paid off said house within eight years’ time
- Got an MBA in Switzerland
- Worked in numerous industries including recently at a large French luxury fashion house
- Speaks multiple languages and have a strong international mindset – Uh, I’m not trying to brag here, so let’s just leave it at that
- Oh, and I’m a mom!
I see, I see! But you mentioned personal finance being personal, so then how can all moms achieve financial independence if we all have different journeys in life?
Good question! It all boils down to a simple formula: FIT = ALE / 0.04, where FIT stands for financial independence target, ALE stands for annual living expenses, and 0.04 stands for ‘the 4% rule’ which we will all cover throughout this blog.
Notice in this equation that financial independence depends more so on how much you spend rather than how much you make – a simple concept but not necessary an easy one to digest. However, if you’re determined by your goals (whatever they may be), then you’ll make the trade-off (not sacrifice).
So my credo is this: Inspire parents to live a financially stress-free life by mastering their own personal finance.
If you’re interested to learn more, then let’s get started!
(Or you can also reach me here.)

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