Playing with toys is a favorite pastime for toddlers. Not only do toys stimulate imagination and enhance cognitive skills, they can also keep a toddler busy (which is what every mom needs).
Some of these toys are so darn fun that they even brought out the inner child in me!
If you’re looking for some inspiration of toys, here are my toddler’s top favorites. Some are bought new, and some are hand-me-downs. But, we’ve saved the best for last!
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Six Awesome Toys for Toddlers
Before we move on, I want to first point out that it’s easy to overspend on buying stuff including toys. This was something I’m cognizant of ever since I began researching for baby items!
So in order to avoid overspending, I’ve created an inventory list. This really helped with minimizing my purchases as much as possible.
However, it is important to buy some toys that are fun for our kids. Any toy that can keep them busy is a useful toy for parents. And if these toys can keep them busy while helping them develop new cognitive skills and imaginations, then even better!
Here are the top six toys that are great for toddlers:
Large lego-like bricks
Lego bricks are classics but they are too small for toddlers.
Instead, we bought these larger size bricks made by a French toy company called Ecoiffier Abrick.
These bricks can stimulate a toddler’s imagination. We have been building various things from castles to cars to animals!
They are also easier to clean up than regular size legos and won’t hurt your feet as much when stepped on.

Shopping cart with groceries
My toddler picked this shopping cart form the toy store. She wanted to pretend like she was shopping like her mama. I can’t help but to buy it for her.
Since then, she has been playing with this non-stop putting in and pulling out various toys around the house!

Stack, learn and play!
This stack toy has really kept my toddler busy.
In addition, she had learned to count as well as distinguish the colors through playing with them.
She also insisted to bring them to bath time so that she can use it to pour water. Whatever floats her boat I guess!

Wooden shape toys
This was an old toy made by HEROS. We found this gem from Papa Bear’s family home in France.
There are many revised versions of it today that are much more colorful and pretty. This one looks very similar while this one is more elaborate.
What’s great about this toy is that they can learn shapes and build things through their imaginations!

Draw and Play
Since more and more kids are homeschooling due to the lockdown, an easle is a really toy for older toddlers to draw and learn their alphabets.
This easle has kept my toddler busy and she has already created a few masterpieces with it.

Finally, the best of the BEST toy is got to be a DIY box.
We had ordered a carseat through the mail and what my toddler liked most was the box it was delivered with.
She wouldn’t let us throw it out, so Papa Bear decided to transform it into a car.
How could you not have fun with this baby?!

And that’s it! What are your favorite toys for toddlers?

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