Made from 100% all natural money with a dash of Mama Bear’s secret ingredients

Hi there! Glad you’re here.
This blog is our honey pot. It’s jam-packed with vital ingredients to navigate through life’s many ups and downs, mostly about money.
Let me walk you through what’s in it.
First and foremost, money should be viewed as a tool. Yes, just a tool and nothing more.
Do you feel all kinds of emotion and discomfort when you hear the word ‘money’ being tossed around? That’s because we were programmed to think like that. Let me unprogram it.
You see, the biggest roadblock to managing personal finance successfully is to view money as something good or evil rather than just as a simple tool.
« Money is a great servant but a bad master » – Francis Bacon.
Instead of working for it tirelessly, we can actually make it work for us such as through investing or building a business empire. We could also use it to gain more choices and freedom to pursue whatever passions or dreams we want.
But first, we need to gain mastery of managing it properly (and wisely) – you’re in the right place!
For whatever reasons though, our society tends to label it as dirty, messy, and all kinds of evil. It’s a topic best to be avoided in order to not get obsessed over it, like running away from a problem would make it go away, right?
To address this big elephant in the room (and hopefully it’ll someday get addressed at schools and homes, too), I’ll start the conversation here.
Hey, don’t get me wrong. Finances can’t solve all of our issues! What’s money without happiness, am I right?
After all, money could provide us with security but not love, wealth but not health, and choices but not the best things in life (which are free)!
Some of my happiest moments are those I spent with Papa Bear traveling and exploring the world (okay, that requires some $$$), making memories with friends and family, and most recently, being a mom. I want to spread that joy so I’ll do it here!
It’s amazing that once we become a mom, our brain goes overdrive and our focus becomes laser sharped. We also have a strong instinct to protect and provide for our baby bear(s).
Our mind starts to ponder about things like what’s the best and optimal care for our baby, how can we make society a better place for the next generation, and how to leave an impactful, yet gentler footprint on this earth?
I know you must be super psyched about all of these ideas by now, so let me share them here!

Want to learn more about my bio, motto and credo? Here it is!
Want to binge read or check out all of the articles from the beginning? Right on!
Want more resources? Of course!

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